Alexander Technique For Martial Arts Developing Skill And Intention
Effortless Power: Yang Tai Chi Instruction Qi Gong Techniques
WHERE SF Golden Gate Park/ FOCUS Body Alignment and direction of energy for power and relaxation FORMAT Small group class with individual attention to detail WHEN Ongoing, by appointment Tai Chi is a wonderful calming and stress-reducing activity, naturally counteracting our fast-past, modern lifestyles. When you learn and practice Tai Chi, the benefits are multifold. Besides cultivating internal power and a more easy-going attitude, benefits of a regular Tai Chi practice include better posture and flexible joints, balance and co-ordination, relaxation, clarity of mind, reduced stress and improved body tone.
Your internal structural system gets a tune-up and reset each time you practice, which can prevent injury and pain associated with a sedentary life, too much stress and computer overuse.
Alexander's principles of effortless power, self-cultivation and grace in movement are the cornerstone of this unique and mindful way of learning Tai Chi. Even though functional alignment and precision are emphasized as important keys to a successful and long-lived practice, we are not necessarily concerned with how flexible you are, but rather how to bring ease, fluidity and inner peace to you.