Request A Free, 30min Consultation Private Online Coaching
Private coaching is the fastest and most transformative way to improve how you use your body. You'll study what humans mammals do best: walking, sitting, standing, speaking, singing, reaching, bending, etc.
You will practice living in your body with improved quality. I am highly skilled in tuning in to your needs through conversations with you. I am a great listener. The combination of (in person) hands-on and verbal guidance through a range of familiar movements and specialized activities will help you explore your personal patterns.
You are encouraged to come as you are. There is no need to show something different than what is really going on with you right now. A course of lessons (the program) is a mutual educational experience rather than the usual patient-practitioner relationship, where you will be learning about yourself in a unique professional way.
Walk In Balance Center offers holistic posture programs of 10 consecutive sessions that are tailored to your specific needs. Fees available upon first consultation.
Regardless of age, body type and ability, if you are experiencing discomfort due to poor postural alignment or recurrence of old injuries, you can find new ease. This is especially important for anyone sitting all day, such as students, entrepreneurs, writers, developers or engineers.
Professionals in physically demanding and mentally stressful occupations, such as doctors, therapists, teachers, professors, managers, as well as people going through life changes such as children, teens and menopausal women, can learn to improve and preserve their postural and mental well-being.
How can you bring greater comfort, ease, efficiency and power into what you already do? How can you learn to infuse your daily experience with space and lightness, so that you can truly "Walkyour pathIn Balance?" How can you age full of vitality and grace?
The Alexander Technique is a method of reduction, not an "add-on" or "trying harder for success".
The more clearly you can see which postural behavior patterns cause your discomfort, the more you can stop doing them and wire you brain for new, more efficient patterns. Private lessons provide in-depth learning and self-study, and are a great option to learn at your own pace.
Lessons are not a series of treatments, and no exercises or special equipment is involved.
Lessons are a kind of research laboratory to find new ways to recognize and change physical habits. A highly trained touch and sophisticated observation will help you develop better coordination of thought and movement, which will in turn help restore your body's original poise.
Lessons are not about adding anything new, but to learn how to free body and mind of excessive tension and counter-productive ways of being, so a more natural state can start to emerge.
You will leave your first lesson with a new sense of balance and well-being that will slowly begin to take root and grow in your daily life. Sharpened senses and clarity of thinking starts to replace the old tendencies of slumping and tensing.
Will One Program Be Enough? Goals & Interests
As with becoming proficient in any skill, time and dedication are fundamental aspects of making lasting changes. This work helps with changing harmful mental and physical habits, and how far you want to go with it is something only you will know.You can adjust the number of lessons as you go, because how many lessons you might need to secure fundamental change is highly individual, and depends upon your goals, interests, and physical condition. You will know right after the first introduction if the Alexander Technique resonates with you and if you want to make it your own. F.A.Q.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations and time/date adjustments must be made through email or phone two business days before your scheduled appointment. Otherwise that session becomes a late cancellation and you will be responsible for payment. As a courtesy, please give early notice for any changes, as it will make it possible to accommodate other clients waiting to schedule a session. Thank you.
Health Insurances usually do not carry the cost of Alexander coaching. Full payment is expected directly from you, prior or on the day of the coaching lesson.