Alexander for Pregnancy and Early Motherhood

Pregnancy, Childbirth and Motherhood are exiting and challenging times for every woman! The Alexander Technique can give you wonderful support when you are adapting to your ever-changing shape and preparing for your birth!
The Alexander Technique augments and enhances the effectiveness of Prenatal Yoga and Childbirth Classes, but it is much more then just a tool for a special time!
Learning how to do daily activities like bending, lifting, sitting, standing and walking with a relaxed mind and a relaxed body will help conserve your energies, keep you strong and pain-free and help you deal with the new demands on your body.
The specialty of the Alexander Technique is not only to give you the skills you need in order to positively deal with changes during pregnancy and the sensations in labor, but also how to positively handle potential postpartum challenges of being a new mother, such as:
The Alexander Technique encourages self-awareness and self-reliance on all levels. Learning to take care of yourself is one of the best gifts you can give to yourself and your family!
The Alexander Technique augments and enhances the effectiveness of Prenatal Yoga and Childbirth Classes, but it is much more then just a tool for a special time!
Learning how to do daily activities like bending, lifting, sitting, standing and walking with a relaxed mind and a relaxed body will help conserve your energies, keep you strong and pain-free and help you deal with the new demands on your body.
The specialty of the Alexander Technique is not only to give you the skills you need in order to positively deal with changes during pregnancy and the sensations in labor, but also how to positively handle potential postpartum challenges of being a new mother, such as:
- Extended exhaustion after your baby is born
- Physical demands of breast-feeding
- Hormonal changes and associated physical complaints
- Loss of sleep
- Unexpected intense emotions
- Changing body image
- Caring for a growing baby like lifting, diapering, bathing, carrying
- Pushing a heavy stroller
The Alexander Technique encourages self-awareness and self-reliance on all levels. Learning to take care of yourself is one of the best gifts you can give to yourself and your family!