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9 Tips For Better Posture While Using Your Digital Device

1. Sit into your sit bones which allows your pelvis to gently rock forward and backward easily.
2. Move your upper body weight into the legs in such a way that the upper body is supported without using arms and hands for balance, so they can be free. A light upper body is a choice you can make!
3. Have light, movable arms and extended fingers.
4. Have a soft and elongated neck.
5. If you tense your lower back --just notice that you are doing it -- and decide to stop it by softening the neck muscles and elongating along the spine. Allow your back to fill out with breath.
Snuggle your buttocks onto the seat without rounding your lower back.
6. Allow lightness around the shoulder girdle by thinking width in both armpits.
7. Soften you gaze when looking at the screen, and incorporate the edges of the screen into your field of vision. If necessary make the fonts bigger on your screen for easy viewing and reading (to avoid sticking your neck forward,
8. Be aware at all times of the space where your body ends and the screen of your Computer or mobile device begins. Allow that space to exist! Practice peripheral vision in daily life, to not get "swallowed up" by the monitor.
9. Refresh the interface between keys, eyes and screen often. Scan the room, and for a moment let your arms hang down freely to reset the energy flow.
Get up and stretch! Think about solutions moving around, not sitting down.