Small Group Coaching Choose Your Own Group, Any Size
Group classes are a great way for a group of friends, couples, or families with children to study together. This can be done in person or online. You can learn how to stay centered and easy in your body as you go through the chosen activities of daily life.
Practice improving your posture and your movement quality together with your friends. Some of the benefits are functioning as a "reminding mirror" of sorts for each other, encouraging mindfulness in your reactions, learning to give friendly and thoughtful feedback and support, spending valuable time with friends or family, and study the process of un-learning tension and unease by watching the interactions with the teacher when studying in class.
You select your own group. If you have a friend or two, contact Flora to arrange a group introductory class. Besides general posture and movement improvement, Flora can offer themes for your classes such as:
Self-Care For Chronic Back Pain
Improved Posture And Self-Expression For Couples, Families and Teams
Helping Teens Cope With Stressful Postural Habits
Building Self-Confidence / Leadership Skills
Back Pain Challenges During Pregnancy
Postural Self-Care While Caring For Young Children
Injury Prevention For Yoga- And Other Movement Practices
Lessons alone or in a group act as a kind of research laboratory, to find new ways to recognize and change physical habits. A highly trained touch and sophisticated observation & verbal guidance will help you develop better coordination of thought and movement, which will in turn help restore your body's original poise.
The more clearly you can see which postural behavior patterns cause your discomfort, the more you can stop doing them and wire you brain for new, more efficient patterns. Sharpened senses and clarity of thinking starts to replace the old tendencies of slumping and tensing.
How Long Does Learning Take? It Depends On Your Goals
As with becoming proficient in any skill, time and dedication are fundamental aspects of making lasting changes. You can adjust the number of lessons as you go, because how many lessons you might need to secure fundamental change is highly individual, and depends upon your goals, interests and physical condition. How many lessons you need is highly individual. You will know right after the first introduction if the Alexander Technique resonates with you and if you want to make it your own. F.A.Q.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations and time/date adjustments must be made through email or phone two business days before your scheduled appointment. Otherwise that session becomes a late cancellation and you will be responsible for payment. As a courtesy, please give early notice for any changes, as it will make it possible to accommodate other clients waiting to schedule a session. Thank you.